Christmas time in Italy

Hi everyone!

I didn’t plan on writing the next post so early, but since we are getting closer Christmas very quickly, it’s proper to trace Italian Christmas Eve table and look which dishes are eaten by the Mediterranean people during this special time. Due to the limited space, in today’s post I would like to focus on three dishes from different parts of Italy J.

·       PANETTONE in the North

That’s a kind of sweet bread, usually made with raisins, almonds, candied fruit peels and brandy. It originally comes from Milan but gained prominence around the world. Some people call it also Christmas cake and serve it in different ways, for example with mascarpone cream, melted chocolate sauce or Nutella. It is baked in the shape of rounded dome and packed in cardboard boxes, that is why it stays fresh and soft much longer. Attention, the Italians believe that eating panettone on your own, brings bad luck! J

·       BACCALÀ in the centre

It’s nothing more than a codfish. It’s well known especially in the region of Lazio, where the Christmas dinner starts with this traditional dish. Codfish can be either braised or batter fried but it’s necessary to eat it with…broccoli! The Italians claim that thanks to it a simple fish gives a wonderful and unique flavour J.



A traditional dish from Calabria. It’s spaghetti pasta with anchovies and bread crumbs, perfect for busy people :P. 3 ingredients are enough to create tasty, Italian dish for Christmas dinner, that will delight each guest at the table J.

That’s all for today! I hope that I brought you closer to the Italian Christmas Eve and maybe I gave you some inspiration that you will use in your Christmas recipes ;).


I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you healthy, peaceful and… tasty Christmas :D.

Take care and see you next time!



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